About us

Our organisation is a Local Action Group (LAG), a participant of the LEADER programme. (LEADER - ‘Liason Entre Actions pour le Development d’lEconomie Rurale’ is a Rural Development Programme part-funded by the European Union.)

LAG SUMMARY [Download a summary of LAG Zala Termálvölgye (pdf, 709KB)]
Official name: Zala Thermal Valley Association Local Action Group
Region: West Transdanubian Region
Population (inhabitants): 31.739 inhabitants
Surface area: 462 km2
Density: 68,7 inh./km2
Number of settlements: 34
Map of the LAG: [link]

Main characteristics (geographical, economic, social):
The Zala Thermal Valley is situated in the western part of Hungary, in the northeast part of Zala County. Our microregion is bipolar. The developed part, the world famous tourist center is Hévíz and the surrounding settlements. The undeveloped part, long-ago decisively an agricultural area, underprivileged in social and economic aspect with high rate of unemployments is Zalaszentgrót and the surrounding settlements. Our microregion is rich in thermal water and most of the settlements are close to the River Zala, these geographical heritage determinated the name selection of our LAG.

Short description of the local development strategy:
The comprehensive goal of the local development strategy is to reduce the economic and social disparity inside our microregion. We plan to carry out complex actions which take as a basis our environmental and cultural heritage, and our traditions.
Main purposes:
- Improving the quality of life by renewing and utilising art relic buildings, preserve natural and cultural heritage;
- Enhancement of the local economy by motivate the preparation of local product, development of tourism activities;
- Supporting of young people to stay and work in the micro region;
- Supporting establishment and development of SME’s.

Range of interest in rural development orientation:
1. rural tourism
2. youth programmes
3. local products /food, wine, etc./
4. natural and cultural heritage
5. fostering SME’s

Interterritorial partner(s) (Hungary):
NATURAMA Alliance, Zala County Wine Route Association, CELODIN Zalai Foundation, Hévíz Town Landlording Association, Hévíz TDM Association, Innovative South Zala Local Action Group, Green Heart of Zala Local Action Group ...

Languages spoken: Hungarian, English, German

Organisation: Zala Termálvölgye Egyesület
Country: Hungary
Region: Nyugat-Dunántúli Régió
Address Line 1: Dózsa György u. 9.
Address Line 2: Zala
Email: info@zalatermalvolgye.hu
Phone number: + 36 83 361 305
City: Zalaszentgrót
Post Code: H - 8790
Web Address: http://zalatermalvolgye.hu/
LAG president: Erzsébet Guitprechtné Molnár
LAG manager: Tibor Szabó